Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Break- Eurotrip

Oh helleeew!

So two weeks ago spring break ended, and what a week it was!
There are just too many details and stories, so I am just going to tell ya the basics and will limit myself to one picture per city.

1: Amsterdam
Friday, March 22nd, I arrived in Amsterdam and met my friend Rachel from back home. After getting on the wrong train and going to wrong direction for about half and hour, we arrived in the center of the city and made our way to our hostel. It was in the perfect location! Right in the middle, on the edge of the Red Light District, and near all the historic stuff. Amsterdam was a really fun city to see, but it was so cold!! brrr…. We spent the night and walked around the city most of Saturday along the canals and crooked buildings. And of course we ate french fries! Oh baby so good.

2: Brugge
So we arrived in Brussels Saturday night, and Sunday went to Brugge! It's a city north of Brussels. Initially we wanted to go to Luxembourg, but we underestimated the distance, and it was cheaper to get to Brugge, but I have no regrets! It was such a cool city! It was very medieval still, and smaller than Brussels. But it was still freezing! Oh and it snowed that night before, so that helped the chill factor. We walked around Brugge for most of the day, and ended up finding this delicious cookie shop, among all the other chocolate and cookie shops. Sadly though, we did not have time to go to the only french fry museum in the world...

3: Brussels
When we got back to Brussels that same day, we walked around seeing the sights because we still hadn't done that. The thing you learn about European cities and maps is that the map makes it look so much bigger than it actually is. Everything is really actually close together and easy to get to. I loved Brussels and was so glad we walked around there. And their Belgium waffles…oi! I know why they are so famous now. [at this point my camera died which is stupid because it was charged all the way and I really didn't take as many pictures as I could've so it should've lasted longer but anyway the rest of the week I had to use my iTouch which worked but some pictures came out all pixley, so I'm sorry for that]

3: Marseille
Getting of the plane in Marseille was one of the greatest moments of break. We came from cold, snowy Belgium to warm, sunny Marseille- it was fantastic! Marseille is in the south of France, but is technically not considered part of the riviera, but it is still beautiful! We got to our hostel (again, great location) and had the whole day to walk around the city seeing the sights. It really reminded me of Barcelona, because it definitely has a city feel to it, but because it's on the coast, it's very chill and lax at the same time. Rachel and I walked around and saw palaces and fortresses and climbed a huge hill to a church where we could see an amazing panorama of Marseille. We planned on getting up early the next day because we wanted to take a ferry to an island off the coast that has a castle on it the inspired the story the Count of Monte Cristo, but our traveling caught up with us and we slept in a little to late. 

4: Nice
We hopped on a train to get to my favorite city of the break, Nice. I think the reason I liked it so much was because it reminded me of Florence. The city was pretty small, and the buildings were old and colorful, oh and the sea was right outside the window! It was gorgeous!! We walked around the city seeing all the beautiful things, and even got locked in a park. It was hilarious! 

5: Monte Carlo, Monaco
Monte Carlo- the land of the rich and risky! After the first night in Nice, we hopped on the 1 euro bus to Monte Carlo. It was beautiful! A little underwhelming though if I'm honest. You always see how beautiful it is in the movies, and it is, but the casino is just one building there. ya know? It was cool to see and the amount of expensive cars and shops there was a little ridiculous, but I preferred Nice. But fun fact, (or maybe not so fun) Monaco used to be a lot bigger than it is, but France took over 98% of it, and today's Monaco is all thats left. It's kinda sad. boo France!

6: Florence
After the Riviera, we made our way to Florence, stopping in Genoa and Pisa on the way, but that's just cause we had to. Ah it was good to be back in Florence!! It really is an amazing city. You need to come. But really. That's the only way to experience it.

That's pretty much it! It was such a great and tiring experience, and I can't really believe we did so much- but it was so worth it and so fun!!

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